
President Obama Designates Gold Butte and Bears Ears National Monuments

Today President Obama made Gold Butte in southern Nevada and Bears Ears in southeastern Utah national monuments.  In so doing countless rock art sites, archaeological sites, and sacred landscapes will be protected in perpetuity.  The President’s statement read in part:


Today’s actions will help protect this cultural legacy and will ensure that future generations are able to enjoy and appreciate these scenic and historic landscapes. Importantly, today I have also established a Bears Ears Commission to ensure that tribal expertise and traditional knowledge help inform the management of the Bears Ears National Monument and help us to best care for its remarkable national treasures.



Following years of public input and various proposals to protect both of these areas, including legislation and a proposal from tribal governments in and around Utah, these monuments will protect places that a wide range of stakeholders all agree are worthy of protection. We also have worked to ensure that tribes and local communities can continue to access and benefit from these lands for generations to come.

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